Tuesday, March 07, 2006

proof of the power of blogs

Raincoast Books gets it. They really get it.

Nathan Sellyn is a friend of mine, and a brilliant young author from Vancouver. His first book (a collection of short stories) is just a month from release and the marketing is still falling into place. In fact, his publisher, Raincoast Books put this promo page live with a pull-quote "sample." Oops!

Then, savvy blogger Ryan Bigge from Toronto spotted it and subsequently wrote this post. To quote him: "I will buy five copies of his book if the final, printed book cover actually says that."

Mr. Sellyn knows about the error. Raincoast? Yes, they're wise to the boo-boo too. (say that three times fast while dancing!) Yet it remains. Rumour has it Raincoast is considering doing exactly what Mr. Bigge joked about. I love this idea to pieces. Why? Because I can't wait to tell ten friends, that's why. And I think others will, too, and my friend will sell some books.

If I know Nate as well as I think I do, it's a perfect fit for his sense of humour...and trust me, it's not hyperbole, even in the least.

Big thanks to my wife for the links.


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